Product Details: 6531 PAIR/LH&RH (6532) FORD BB (FE) 352-390-410-428 CU IN .936D BUSHING UFRS Lifters

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Product No:6531 Parent No:6532
Pair No:6531
Product Type:Mech
Quality Type:Prof Racing
Product MakeFord Engine TypeBB(FE)
UOMPair QtyPerUOM2
Desc1PAIR/LH&RH (6532) FORD BB (FE) 352-390-410-428 CU IN .936D BUSHING UFRS
Desc2T/B U/P P/O (.180 INT & EX EA PAIR L&R O/S)
Lifter Specs
BodyDia RollDia TieBarType
0.936 0.850 Vert