Product Details: 6399R REBUILD/PAIR/LH (6400) [6400 DISCONTINUED 10/15/21, REPLACED BY 6746] Lifters

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Product No:6399R Parent No:6400R
Pair No:N/A
Product Type:Mech
Quality Type:Prof Racing
Product MakePont Engine TypeBB
UOMRebuild Pair QtyPerUOM2
Desc1REBUILD/PAIR/LH (6400) [6400 DISCONTINUED 10/15/21, REPLACED BY 6746]
Desc2BUSHING UFRS PONT .842D T/B U/P P/O +.300 (.180 L&R INT O/S)
Lifter Specs
BodyDia RollDia TieBarType
0.842 0.750 Vert